“Youth guarantee” – a common initiative of the EU member states to improve the situation of young people at the labour market
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Instytut Polityki Społecznej Uniwersytet Warszawski
Publication date: 2020-05-28
Corresponding author
Jacek Męcina   

Instytut Polityki Społecznej UW, ul. Nowy Świat 67, 00–927 Warszawa, adres elektroniczny autora:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2014;26:75-98
The youth is one of the most vulnerable groups at the labour market in Poland as well as in other European countries. A high unemployment rate among young people as well as social and economic consequences of this situation made the European Commission and the governments of the member states affected by this problem to work out common actions in order to solve the problem. The measures include Youth Employment Package with an initiative to establish the Youth Guarantee Programme. In response to the documents of the European Commission, the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy developed a plan of implementation of Youth Guarantee with the application of ‘the Initiative on employment of young people in Poland’ which aims at performing actions in order to reverse the negative trend in the youth employment. According to the principles of Youth Guarantee, all young people up to the age of 25, regardless of registration at the job centre, will be given a good quality job offer no later than for months after the completing formal education or a job loss. The job offer should be adjusted to individual needs and conditions. There are supposed to be new system tools implemented: apprenticeship or employment or relocation vouchers, as well as loans for undertaking a business activity, or exempting employers from the subscription to Labour Fund and Employment Fund Contribution if the employee is up to the age of 30. The implementation plan of Youth Guarantee attempts to create an extensive offer to support young people, as well as to strengthen and complement the current actions, and provide a system of monitoring the changes.
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