“It’s not just a matter of increasing numbers!” Advancing women’s political representation in quota-adopting countries
Department of Government, Uppsala University
Data publikacji: 16-07-2020
Autor do korespondencji
Marsela Dauti   

Department of Government, Uppsala University, Gamla Torget 6, 75120 Uppsala, Sweden
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2020;48:73-91
Electoral gender quotas are among the most contested policies worldwide. A common criticism is that quotas promote undeserving women and therefore undermine the meritocracy. Although criticism persists, paradoxically, it has rarely been subject to empirical testing in Central and Eastern European countries. The objective of the present study is to address this gap by examining the characteristics of a randomly selected sample of 410 representatives in the local councils of Albania. By comparing the councillors across demographic characteristics, political experience, and ties in politics, I show that quotas have promoted a diverse group of women, who, compared to men, are more educated, younger, and more likely to live in rural areas. While the practice of relying on family or kinship ties to advance in local politics is more common among women than among men, differences were not found between women promoted through gender quotas and their non-quota female colleagues. The present findings call into question the assumptions that surround gender quotas, suggesting greater use of evidence to challenge popular perceptions and beliefs.
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