Aspekty struktury społecznej Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego. Ubóstwo, bezrobocie, niepełnosprawność (raport z badań)
Szkoła Policealna Pracowników Służb Społecznych w Gorzowie Wlkp.
Data publikacji: 05-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2005;8:133-148
This research report concerns of Gorzów Wielkopolski social structure aspects. The report give information pertinent to poverty line in Gorzów and proportion of unemployed, disabled and the poor. The report was set out on local conference in Gorzów and bring about great surprise in local newspapers and community. The report point out deep rooted poverty among Gorzów population and poverty of local budget, which haven’t any financial resources for unravel these social problems. Many other social problems are in strong correlation with the poverty. Particularly a great rental debt of the unemployed and the poor, inequality of financial revenues and life chances or breaking the law to subsistence in institutions of National Health Care Fund. Author point out necessity of rethink local social policy and set out new active action for locality development. The active social policy implementation is to be concomitant with civil society actions because people in local community are in large measure weeded out from social and political life.
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