Long-term unemployment — the diagnosis of some socio-psychological problems of finding the job
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Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej Wydział Zamiejscowy w Sopocie
Publication date: 2020-06-01
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2012;19:87-107
The subject of research presented in this article are selected psychological problems of finding and maintaining job among long-term unemployed. Such variables as the orientation to professional values, liability for finding employment, preferences for various assistance forms and remedial actions, and willingness to invest in own professional development are subjected to diagnosis. Employed and unemployed participated in the study (N = 120), age of participants ranged between 18 and 63 years. All surveyed unemployed were participants of reactivation programs against unemployment, conducted by Centers for Social Integration. The study was conducted by questionnaire method. Super’s concept of professional values and functioning strategy specificity resulting from the main method of obtaining income described by Marody and Hausner were chosen as the theoretical basis. Conducted analyzes revealed a high inadequacy of the potential job’s desired characteristics among unemployed, not only lower level of acceptance of all types of employment forms compared to those employed, but also a complete rejection of some of them, passing large part of responsibility for finding employment to the State, lowered willingness and openness to invest in their own professional development, and a distinct preference for contesting and passive-adaptive strategies.
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