Differences in fulfi lling the entitlement to pre-school education in Masovian voivodship – in search of political conditions of local social citizenship
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Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw
Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
Publication date: 2020-06-01
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2013;23:85-103
In the present paper, we analyse the differences in the use of pre-school education from the point of view of local social citizenship theory. Adopting this perspective means that, the level of diffusion of pre-school education refl ects the level of entitlement to this type of education, an ingredient of the “social element of citizenship”. Thus, in accordance with Marshall and his followers, we consider social citizenship most of all as a political phenomenon. Considering both economic (labour market conditions) and cultural (commune type: village vs. town) conditioning of local demand for pre-school education services, we shall concentrate on analysing local, political conditions of fulfi lling the entitlement to this type of education. We shall also test the hypothesis, widespread in hitherto literature on the subject, of the basic difference factor for the participation in pre-school education being the commune’s own income per capita. In the present paper, we demonstrate that the difference in political activity of the inhabitants of communes, measured by local turnout (in parliamentary elections) is correlated to the level of fulfi lment of pre-school education entitlement to a much higher extent than the differences between the commune’s own income per capita. The present paper demonstrates the results of the fi rst stage of analysis of the political conditions of local social citizenship within the “Local social citizenship in social policy: the example of care services for children under 5”.
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