Good practices in the intergenerational activities on the basis of the experience gathered during conducting the project “Seniors in action”
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Towarzystwo Inicjatyw Twórczych koordynator programu „Seniorzy w akcji”
Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytet Warszawski
Publication date: 2020-06-08
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2012;17:167-181
The article presents the experience gained while conducting the Polish nationwide grant contest “Seniors in action” carried out by the Association of the Creative Initiatives “ę”, which tries to respond to new challenges arising from the low social activity of elder people, growing generation gap and old-age stereotypes. The challenges are particularly crucial considering the progressive process in aging of the Polish society. A significant issue of the program “Seniors in action” is the idea of intergenerationality which is implemented on the project management level (pairs of cultural operators representing different generations) as well as on the level of activities addressed to a local society including people of different ages. For years we can observe a very dynamic and systematic development of intergenerational activities in the United States and in the countries of Western Europe. Noticing and appreciation of these activities is strongly related to the necessity to create cohesive and integrated local societies responding to needs of various groups as well as fully benefiting from the opportunities they offer. In Poland we are just gaining experience and working out as well as testing the methods tailored to the Polish realities. On the basis of assessment results of three editions of the program we distinguished four types of the most frequent relationships between generations: unidirectional intergenerationality, bidirectional intergenerationality based on the common activities or hobbies, traditional intergenerationality (acting as a granny or grandady) referring to traditional roles of elderly people and intergenerationality focused on gaining new skills, transfer of knowledge and mutual learning from each other. Moreover, the article presents persons of the senior as well as junior cultural operators who set up their own social projects and suggestions that will be useful for developing intergenerational activities and supporting seniors action.
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