Social experience in the process of Polish transformation in the '90s
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Katedra Socjologii i Polityki Społecznej
Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu
Publication date: 2020-06-08
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2000;2:101-119
The transformation of the system in Poland is a process which has lasted over ten years. The ’90s
was a period of making changes in political, economic and sodal options and at the same time gathering
practical experience involving the range of issues connected with the consequences of the introduced
The economic subjects had the opportunity to confront the planned and the expected results of
these changes with the actual ones, both in micro and macro scales. The costs of transformation have
become with time a very real concept. The new economic and sodal situation for individuals and sodal
groups is significantly varied with reference to the opportunities and dangers posed to them. The fact of
the entrenching and deepening divisions in sodety should be seen as negative.
The article concentrates on the analysis of sodal experience in the process of transformation and
the reactions of sodety towards the results of the transformation. The sources of information used are
the results of opinion polls and research conducted by CBOS and additionally the results of research by
In presenting the changes of opinions expressed in opinion polls, attention has been drawn to the
phenomenon of the relativity of the opinions on the entire process of transformation and the particular
reforms introduced as part of it. The text has been divided into sections dealing with issues of:
- relativization of opinions
- changes in the appraisal of the standard of living
- increase of feelings of insecurity
- new divisions within sodety.
The final section puts forward remarks and comments in the form of „initial implications”, where
the main stress is put on the need for making the program of changes in state sodal policy more predse.
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