The poor’s responsibility philosophy or poor philosophy of responsibility
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Gorzowie Wlkp.
Publication date: 2020-06-05
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2006;9:69-80
The essay considers a dilemma: is a philosophy insisting on responsibility of the poor connected with social progress or it is “poor philosophy” which is a manifestation of crisis and regression of welfare state. Author draw on essential thought of Professor Jan Danecki work: need of humanize material progress with assistance of social policy activities. Author on the basis of critical discourse analysis pertain to social welfare policy formulates eight thesises which recognizes as destitution manifestations of “the poor’s responsibility philosophy”. The philosophy apparently heads for elimination “dependency culture” but really is bound for deepen dependence of the poor on state’s and a private gift. The philosophy divides society into two parts: “the included” with negative freedom and “the excluded” and dependent on the gift. So the latter may get into society only as stigmatized persons under severe control of administration. Thus the philosophy affirms a social order with assistance of “the stigmatized”. The philisophy simultaneously supports a economic market and glorify a organic community leaned on reciprocity and beneficence norms. So The one wants unravel issues with assistance of the same measures which creates the problems. “The poor philosophy” changes the crux of “social gift” from unconditional right to property and use a part of social product to conditional, devoid of the property use of the product. The philosophy demands a personal responsibility from the poor but in first stage it rule outs a personal liberty and autonomy so really it precludes the responsibility. “The irresponsible poor” are really needed for afirmation and legitimization of the social order in which emerges “the end of work” phenomenon. According to author the poor want complay with reciprocity norms and “the irresponsible poor” are “Poor Philosophy of Responsibility” construction.
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