In this article, we explore the role of financial transfers from parents to adult children in Poland, highlighting their significance in areas such as education, housing, and family formation. Our aim is to bring attention to the complex interplay between family support and state policy in shaping the lives of young adults in Poland. We investigate how both the older generations providing the transfers and the younger generations receiving them perceive state public policies during the transition to adulthood. Our analysis is based on empirical data from in-depth family interviews with individuals aged 24-40 and their parents, as well as from 12 Focus Group Interviews (FGIs) with representatives of both generations. Additionally, we use data from the 8th round of the SHARE survey to provide a broader context of intergenerational transfers. Our findings suggest that while state policies are generally seen as transparent and rarely influence the decision to support the younger generation, the scale and purposes of these financial transfers are inherently linked to deficiencies in state policies. This indicates an implicit reliance on family resources to fill the gaps left by public policy, which may exacerbate inequalities between families with different financial capabilities.
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