Głos w sprawie progresywnego opodatkowania
Wydział Ekonomii Uniwersytet Udine
Data publikacji: 02-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2011;16:39-57
This work advocates the need for a progressive tax schedule that imposes a higher marginal tax rates for those individuals that according to neoclassical economics should not be taxed thanks to their higher ability. From a theoretical point of view a different approach to tax levy can be addressed by posing the attention on equity and liberty issues. In particular we show how the market system is not able to provide for certain individuals a job that fulfills their personal aspirations even if they have specific ability in working in sectors that are not managed as a market but that are important components of our social and political life. For those individuals only a strong redistributive policy should permit them to invest their resources without been excluded from the economic life.
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