Social capital and social inequalities
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Instytut Polityki Społecznej, Uniwersytet Warszawski
Publication date: 2020-06-05
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2006;9:113-125
The paper offers an insight into a quantitative part of author’s empirical research on social capital in Poland. The presented research was conducted in two small Polish towns of similar population and living standard, however differing significantly in local tradition and immigration level after the Second World War. The first part of the article presents the toll used in survey, designed to measure and compare multidimensional asset of household’s social capital. In the second part the correlations with independent variables (that is socio-economic status and respondent’s education level) are discussed. The third part of the paper analyses the gains from social capital in the sphere of household incomes (in broad sense). The survey’s main finding is the strong correlation between different types of social capital, as well as between good household’s economic and educational situation and a high level of social capital. Combining these findings with qualitative study in two researched towns, worrying effects of social capital are to be seen. As both productive asset and correlated do mentioned independent variables social capital tend to reinforce social inequalities in the researched towns. On the local community level the exclusive and inward-looking groups of “social capital bourgeoisie” were observed. The author claims that changing this negative tendency in a challenge to local social policy in Poland.
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