Kultura a polityka społeczna. O skomplikowanych współzależnościach i potrzebie ich badania
Katedra Socjologii Ogólnej, Uniwersytet Łódzki
Data publikacji: 05-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2009;12:58-73
The article discusses the topic of culture and its interrelation with social policy. Basing on important contributions of Baldock, van Oorschot and PfauEffi nger, it attempts to present the signifi cance of a wide cultural context for the welfare state and at the same time a relative negligence of this cultural context in academic social policy. The main part of the article is the presentation of the contextualization of the above mentioned issues as proposed by Birgit PfauEffi nger who outlined the concepts of welfare culture and welfare arrangements. The twofold character of culture-welfare state interrelation seems to be a very intriguing and promising fi eld of study, also in a comparative perspective.
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