On the way of social development. Contemporary social
and economic policy in Brasil
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Instytut Polityki Społecznej
Uniwersytet Warszawski
Publication date: 2020-06-02
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2011;16:79-89
This article shows the socio-economic changes in Brazil during the last 10 years. The
author describes the social and economic reforms: „Growth Acceleration Program” (PAC
and PAC 2), „My house my life” (1 and 2), „Zero Hunger, Territories of Citizenship”,
„National Program for Family Agriculture” and the most important „Bolsa Familia” with
the newest version: Brasil sem miseria. „Bolsa Familia” is a cash-transfer programme that
has certain conditionalities. It is given to women on condition that they send their kids
to school and have them vaccinated. It is also given to pregnant women, on condition
that they see a doctor during pregnancy. So there is a health and educational component
in it. „Bolsa Familia” helps to lift people out of poverty and to enter the labour market.
It demonstrates that reducing hunger also appears to generate economic benefits to
development. „Bolsa Família” benefits a quarter of Brazil’s population but requires
an investment of just over 2 percent of the federal budget and only 0,5 of the GDP.
Brasil demonstrates that economic and social development are not in conflict, but on the
contrary, stimulate each other.
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