Obstacles to caring institutions in eldercare: The Czech Republic as a social laboratory of capitalist transformation
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Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Sociology
Publication date: 2020-05-11
Corresponding author
Zuzana Uhde   

Zuzana Uhde, Gender & Sociology Department, Institute of Sociology of the CAS, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic; author’s email address:
Hana Maříková   

Hana Maříková, Gender & Sociology Department, Institute of Sociology of the CAS, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic; author’s email address:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2019;47:9-28
The issue of eldercare is becoming more and more important in late modern societies due to the aging of the population and the growing need for care. The article deals with formal care for older people (in residential facilities and home care) with a focus on the Czech Republic as one of the former real-socialist countries. Here, a significant transformation of the eldercare system began to take shape in the wake of capitalist transformation. However, it also took place in a society with relatively egalitarian societal attitudes and expectations. The article draws from qualitative research based on interviews with care workers in direct care and expert interviews with professionals working at different levels of eldercare system in the Czech Republic. Our analysis is based on the feminist theory of care that allows us to critically reflect on both the changes and the unintended consequences of the public care policies settings, and the perspectives of communication partners on how to provide quality care. Our goal is to identify elements that are perceived positively in connection with the rules setup and which, from the point of view of individual actors in formal care, help to create a genuine environment of caring institutions.
This work was supported by the project Configurations of Elderly Care in the CR: Labour, Love and Money (No. 15-078985, GAČR) and RVO No. 68378025
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