Three speed Poland
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Szkoła Wyższa Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie
Publication date: 2020-06-05
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2004;6:127-136
The article is meant to answer questions at what stage the Polish system transformation is what is its distance to the developed world the Poles like to compare with. Poland does not cease to be a post-socialist transforrmation country. Yet, it is becoming an integral part of the global system and current changes taking place in Poland are in an significant degree brought about by the external factors: globalization and the European integration. The author’s point is that the complexity of the present stage of the Polish modernization lies down in the development disproportions connected with the coexistence of the varied historical epochs. These three epochs dictate three varied speeds. From the „long duree” Poland inherited a strong preindustrial sector corresponding culture and mentality. This is the first speed. The industrial sector was overwhelmed by existence of big centralized and hierarchical structures of the socialist era which need a deep restructuring. This is the second speed. The last 15 years saw an accelerated adaptation to the third speed - the post-industrial and information society. Needless to say this speed is the most functional to globalization and the European integration. These three speeds illustrate the enormous challenge Poland is facing in coming decades.
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