Return policies and (r)emigration of Bulgarians in the pre- and post-accession period
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University of National and World Economy Sofia
Publication date: 2020-05-27
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Vanya Ivanova   

Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2015;31:119-136
The article elaborates the concept that Bulgaria’s 2007 EU accession didn’t itself produce large emigration waves, but rather brought new understanding and value to Bulgarian citizenship, through intensified mobility and return processes, within the context of the economic crisis. The text is structured in two parts: the first one reveals the Bulgarian emigration phenomenon after 1989 and its specifics, and the second one — the core of the article — is devoted to the return dynamics and policy answers with focus on the highly qualified. Thus the analysis answers the research question of whether the state affects the processes of remigration of highly qualified Bulgarian young people through its return policies and instruments.
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