The paper concentrates on some tendencies in contemporary social policy and social care that
seem to be most important (ones) for welfare state transformation. Devolution is defined as a consequence of three different factors: economic ones, socio-political ones and cultural ones. Welfare
pluralism started in Great Britain in the seventies as an alternative solution during welfare state crisis. As Kvist and Torfing stated that there is a hidden assumption connected with welfare pluralism,
namely that welfare state itself can not only solve social problems but can create them as well. According to Neil Gilbert there are some other false assumptions about welfare pluralism that should
be verified. Nonetheless mixed economy of welfare has become dominant model in Europe what
show Italian authors Ranci and Ascoli in their typology. Last but not least tendency described in
presented article is that of social capital. Social capital is a new intellectually stimulating not only
theoretical concept (P.Bourdieu, J.Coleman, R.Putnam, etc.) but practical alternative for traditional
social welfare as well (e.g. Australia).
Alston M. (2000) „Social Capital in Rural Australia”, (maszynopis nieopublikowany).
Breguła D. (1997) Polityka społeczna a lokalizm, w: Borkowski T., Marcinkowski A., Oherow-Urbaniec (red.), Polityka społeczna, rodzina, bezrobocie, praca zbiorowa, Instytut Zarządzania Uniwersytet Jagielloński.
Winter I. (2000) „Towards a Theorised Understanding of Family Life and Social Capital”, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Working Paper, April 2000.
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