Starzenie się i solidarność międzypokoleniowa w polskich strategiach rozwoju społecznego
Instytut Polityki Społecznej Uniwersytet Warszawski
Data publikacji: 01-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2012;17:45-59
Ageing of the society is one of major problems analysed in social development strategies of the central government and local governments. This follows from demographic forecasts and their potential outcomes. The text analyses major government documents of strategic nature, in great part dedicated to the issues of society ageing and inter-generational solidarity. Particular attention was paid to the following two projects: the Long-Term National Development Strategy ‘Poland. 2030. Third wave of modernity’ and the Human Capital Development Strategy until 2020. The analysis showed a fundamental convergence between major documents as regards diagnosis and several solutions concerning society ageing and inter-generational solidarity. Two issues come to the fore here, though. The former concerns lengthening of the occupational activity period and increasing mobility of persons on the labour market. The latter refers to the necessity to find a response to challenges related to growth of the number of elderly people, who will need care support.
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