The Use of Reflecting Teams and Principles of Reteaming in the Teaching of Social Work – A Tool for Changing the Paradigm in the Performance of Social Work
department of social work, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic
Data nadesłania: 15-03-2023
Data ostatniej rewizji: 19-09-2023
Data akceptacji: 29-09-2023
Data publikacji online: 01-02-2024
Data publikacji: 01-02-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Petr Fabián   

Department of Social Work, College of Polytechnics Jihlava, Tolstého 16, 58601, Jihlava, Czech Republic
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2024;66(3):1-15
OBJECTIVES: The work aims to point out the possibility of using reflecting teams and the principles of reteaming in the professional training of social workers. It may also trigger a professional debate on the topics of the preparation of experts for practice, and tools for continuous education. Another important element is to provide a practical tool that will allow further professionalisation of social work within the decommodification of services. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND: It responds to situations, in which social work primarily focused on the provision of services, and ceased to be a tool for developing the personality of clients, thereby changing the quality of their lives. METHODS: The used methods aim to show the history and principles of the reflecting teams in practice. The next part focuses on the reteaming method as a model of the approach between the helper and the receiver. Furthermore, the description of the use of these techniques in the professional training of social workers is discussed. In the conclusion, the results of the structured questioning of the graduates of the subjects, which utilize these methods, are summarized. RESULTS: The aim of the change is to restore the creativity of social work and ability to help people to fulfil their lives. IMPLICATIONS FOR SOCIAL WORK: Social work is based on the communication and retrospection skills of one´s personal attitudes and work practices. We also present a tool to change the attitudes of social workers from the redistribution of services to the development of society as such.
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