Trudne problemy mieszkalnictwa
Data publikacji: 08-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2002;4:167-236
While discussing on difficult housing problems in Poland the participants focused their attention on the difficult situation and the factors affecting it. They pointed to a long-lasting shortage of house constructing and the ways (or mechanisms) to increase the number of flats built and make housing a “fly-wheel” of economic development and the reduction of unemployment. They drew attention to the fact that the worsening condition of the existing resources and the lack of capital for reconstruction works is used as an argument to increase rents. The participants criticized housing policies of the governments in the period of system transformation, which gave priority to building private flats; it reduced the access to flats for less affluent groups of society. The mentioned phenomena were considered the main features of the housing problem in Poland. Finally they stipulated to increase state and local self-government budget subventions to support the construction of less expensive flats for people with lower incomes.
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