Changes of the health system reform strongly influenced the job market in the field of health
care. On one hand the new market mechanisms may eliminate people who are not qualified enough but on the other hand the important question may arise: what does it mean for the employer:
a “qualified, competent and skilled employee” ? and another one: “how to educate and train them
to satisfy the employer” ?
In this paper we describe the part of the Leonardo project focused on the researche aimed on
perspectives of the Public Health graduates employment increase. In this light there was conducted a competences and skills researche including the folloving elements: 1) the elaboration of
the list of competences (this part of the researche was conducted by the three projects partners independently to some point and then the common list was prepared), 2) veryfication of the competences list by the participant of focus groups in Poland and England, 3) collecting the results and
elaboration of the final list - the questionnaire for the future employers assesment. The paper focuses on the second stage mentioned above, we describe the focuse groups researche results including the list of competences presentation.
Sommer A. (2000): Toward a better educated public health workforce. AJPH, 90, s. 1194-1195.
Wright, K. Rowitz, A. Merkle, W. M. Reid, G. Herzog Robinson, D. Weber, D. Carmichael, T. R. Balderson, E. Baker (2000): Competency development in public health leadership, AJPH 90, s. 1202-1207.
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