W poszukiwaniu „odmiennej drogi”
Emerytowany profesor, Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomiczna w Białymstoku
Data publikacji: 05-06-2020
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2005;8:77-96
In search of different way (don’t confuse with Giddens’ third way) of development and
making good society author refers to Muslim and Confucian values of East, economic
inequalities (the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer), and democratization process.
Cultural differences between East and West consist among other things in stressing on value
of community and social obligations or on value of individual freedom and rights. All questions
about social order have to refer to tensions between these points of view. What we need is
new normative system which resolves this tension in a new and better way in contrast to eastern
authoritarianism or western individualism. Etzioni’s communitarianism is a good starting point
to consideration of possibilities which are still open contrary to Fukuyama’s end of history
The main obstacles to new better world are economic growth with economic inequalities
and other side effects, lack of efficient and effective social arrangements and low level of social
capital. Author shows many indicators from global development reports (World Bank, UNDP)
and other sources to prove hypothesis of deepening economic inequalities in global scale and
in Polish society. He regards this trends as unjust and rejects them on moral grounds. The last
part of article considers different strategies of democratization in a bitterly divided world.
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