Around work: Leszek Gilejko, Paid work - between coercion and chances for promotion
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Publication date: 2020-06-05
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2004;7:151-166
The last census confirms that the wide understood problems of work are still important in Polish society. It is still workers’ society, and work took new meaning despite getting smaller number of persons which „make a living from work”. On the one hand work became more desirable and difficult of access. On the other it has now new and more attractive glitters. First of all it is a result of high level of unemployment for a longer time and what is particularly essential it concerns more and more often persons with adequate qualifications and graduates of higher levels of education. On the other hand new jobs with high wages, career prospects and other bonuses emerged. Thus workaholism known in richer countries develops rapidly in Poland. Under the pressure of economic situation and employers the process of labor market deregulation proceeds as well as the new forms of employment develop. Under influence of deregulation labor market becomes more flexible and its new diversification follows. The level of safety of work and certainty of employment drops quickly. These among others processes caused new segmentation of work in many dimensions. Private sector is the predominant segment internally very diversified. It is a universal phenomenon. Important and interesting questions and dilemmas arise. First about work prospects under globalization and technological shocks, simultaneously with cheap labor force supply. Second about choices in postindustrial or postmodern societies between unemployment civilization and work sharing. Third is a dilemma of leveling opportunities and attractiveness between traditional employment status and flexible labor market. The next question concerns professionals with high qualifications. What should and can be the work offer for them. Maybe they need new version of participation with higher chances for self-actualization. The last and especially important question is about possibilities to reduction two types of enslavement or subordination. These are the pressures caused by unemployment and overwhelming consumptionism.
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