Article is about the labor market activity of the generation 50+ and the programs
oriented on its increase. At first, author presents the indicators of labor market activity
that show that in Poland has the lowest level of labor market activity of people 50+ among
the other European countries. Author indicates that it is not only because of employees
strategy to leave the labor market early but also because employers often do not like
to employ people from that age group. Then he presents the Governmental Program
,,Solidarity between generations” At the end, author provides his own recommendations
of what should be done in order to increase the level of labor market activity among
elderly people.
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Szumlicz, T. (2011) „Demografia emerytalna” w zmianie polityki zabezpieczenia emerytalnego, w: Osiński, J. (red.), Współczesne problemy demograficzne. Rzeczywistość i mity. Ujęcie krajowe, regionalne i globalne, Of. Wyd. SGH, Warszawa.
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