Challenges of ageing society – a lesson from the antipodes
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School of Social Sciences
University of Tasmania
Publication date: 2020-05-28
Corresponding author
Jan Pakulski
School of Social Sciences University of Tasmania, Private bag 22 Hobart, Tasmania 7001
Australia; adres e-mailowy autora:
Problemy Polityki Społecznej 2014;27:75-89
Ageing society can be treated as a specifi c type of society that emerges as a result
of social-demographic changes, especially declining birth rates and extending life
span, in all advanced societies. It is characterised not only by declining population
growth, extending longevity, and a rapidly growing proportions of old (65+) and very
old (80+) people, but also – and primarily – by social changes that accompany ageing, such as the declining social and economic dynamism (slow economic growth),
shrinking labour market, increasing dependency rates and the accompanied budgetary burdens, escalating costs of social and medical care, as well as intensifying conservative tendencies in culture and politics. Australia is a good example of society that successfully faces the challenges of ageing society. This article combines descriptions and recommendations. It is worth looking at the key elements of the Australian
strategy („four Ps”) because they are transplantable (with necessary adjustments) to
the Polish grounds.
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